Level 3 Rares

Guardians:Air Elemental, Fire Elemental, Dread Spider,
Liche, Ogre Lord
Amount of Guardians:6-12
Required Cartography:90%
Recommended Lockpicking:55%
Recommended Provocation/Musicianship:80%
Recommended Remove Trap:55%
Chests trap damage:105-125 hp
Golds in chest:~ 2,600 gp
Gems in chest:21
Other possible semi-rares in chest:Broken Rare (3), Recipes,
Vampire/Daemon bone parts,
Bowls with food


Additional rare to smoke Drugs
Crystal Ball of Tournament Ranking
This ball counts your pvp skills, both mage and warrior plus overall level.
Dart Board
Dartboard that can be played. Dart knives, which are level 2 rares, are required to play.
Death and Kill Ball
This ball has been added due to new pvp system, when double clicked it says your amount of kills and deaths, also how long ago you had last kill/death. Note that pvp system only works on people that are in war guilds.
Infernal Robe
When quiped Flamestrikes appear around you in 5×5 range of tiles, they don’t cause any damage.
Slippery Banana
Tile of Enlightment
Tile of Enlightment looks pretty nice, just step on it to get an instant Nightsight for 15 minutes, by the way you can see shining stars above you.
Tile of Darkness
Looks similar to a Domino tile, disables any Nightsight activity, of In Lore spell, potions or fishes. Everytime you step on it, you can see shining stars around you.
Tile of Fire
Very nice house decoration, when you walk over it, youll see a Flamestrike casted on you, which doesn’t deal any damages.
Light of Perfection
Necessary to paint a picture, more perfection items around you while painting a picture, prevent failing.
Stool of Perfection
Necessary to paint a picture, more perfection items around you while painting a picture, prevent failing.
Vase of Perfection
Necessary to paint a picture, more perfection items around you while painting a picture, prevent failing.