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Patch: July 13, 2024

As some of you may have noticed, the system to detect irregularities in the speed at which players move has been activated. The goal is to improve this system as much as possible. For now, those detected by the system…


Level Cards 1 BearBirdChickenDearEggPigRabbitWalrus 2 CatCowDogGoatHarpyRatmanSheepWolf 3 BoneHeadlessMongbatScorpSerpentSlimeSpiderZombie 4 GhoulLizardmanMummyOrcOrc CaptOrc EliteShadeWraith 5 BewitchedDrakeElementalGargoyleLicheOstardRogueWyvern 6 BalronBlack LicheBlack WhispDaemonDeathDragonLiche LordNightmare 7 Horse2Ostard2Vampire