The resource type issue when trying to make carpentry items has been fixed, you can again use any sort of wood. Some debug messages related to t-hunting has been removed, including the ones about guardians. An issue with detecting hidden…
The t-hunt system has been rewritten from scratch, let me know as soon as possible if you find any issues but the one related with missing loot shouldn’t happen again. Level 1 t-hunt gurdians has been updated with casters. I…
A tamer quest has been added but not doable until we spawn the questmaster and all the npcs to tame. When you want to kick someone from your house it is now instantly. House plan accept kyanite now. Stone, marble…
Changes has been made to lumberjacking skill. You can now only harvest wood type if it has a probability. It’s now based on your skill, like mining. Logs are now dropped on the floor when your backpack is full. You…
It’s not possible anymore to harvest regs from inside a house. When you make a large amount of bandages and you backpack is full, the bandages will now dropped on the ground instead of disappearing. Charges are back on carpentry…
Trainable by: Scribe, Librarian Difficulty of training: High Better gain: With jewel Used Materials Blank scrolls, yellow and blue runes, arcane gems, spellbooks Used Stats: Intelligence Used Tools: Saw, Dovetail saw, Draw knife, Froe, Inshave, Scorp, Jointing plane, Moulding plane,…
Stamina regenation has been fixed, contact staff if you still experiencing slow stam recovery. Stealing and Snooping has been changed to obtain better gains. Making boards from colored logs has been fixed. The boards keep the good color and cancelling…
Skills cap has been increased to 1300. Stats bug has been fixed so no one should see their stats dropping to 1 from now. Fishing with 100 will give more level 1 maps now, it’s a slighlty boost tho. A…
Murder count length has been increased has follow : 16 hours is now needed to remove each short count. 32 hours is now needed to remove each long count. Fishing with 100 only give level 1 map from now.So 105…
This first official patch for Neverlands Heritage has been released. This patch includes important Following the results of the poll about the hunger system, it has been removed. Fishing has been tweaked a little bit to give a little more…