- Stamina regenation has been fixed, contact staff if you still experiencing slow stam recovery.
- Stealing and Snooping has been changed to obtain better gains.
- Making boards from colored logs has been fixed. The boards keep the good color and cancelling when crafting a big amount of boards will not transform them in normal boards anymore.
- It’s now possible to craft bows from colored boards and logs.
- Poison bows are now poisonable.
- Plan Vendor has been fixed and he will be in Britain Library.
- The plan bug has been fixed for the Log Fort. But the existing plans will remain with this weird name. The plan is fully working so you can sell it or keep it and ask staff to get it renamed if you want.
- When carving fish steaks with a full backpack, you don’t lose your fishes anymore. Fish steaks will be drop on the ground.
- The t-map drop rate has been lowered significantly for t-hunting guardians.
- Tracking skill has been changed. We will prepare something to explain how it works now. And feel free to give you thoughts about it.
Neverlands Heritage
An Ultima Online Shard