Patch: May 29, 2024

  • The paging system has been reactivated. Just a reminder that is not a chat system so use it only if you need help. Warning, paging 10-15 times a day to ask us to host something will result in a temporary ban and eventually a permanent ban from the paging system.
  • The website link in the NL sparkles has been changed to redirect you on our website.
  • The item coloration system has been changed and I hope you find it much easier to use than before.
  • It is now possible to paint your main backpack with the credit coloration system without having to remove it from your paperdoll.
  • It is not possible anymore to be mounted on Ethereal mounts in Nexus.
  • The quip gump has been moved back to the upper left corner of your screen to accommodate UOAssist users which are playing on a smaller gameplay.
  • From now, when you will color your hair using the credit hair dye, your beard will be colored as well.
  • Since begging isn’t really working here, the skill has been removed from the magic jewels list that you can make or get in loots.
  • The player rename deed is now fully working.
  • Important: A new system used to detect players who pvming afk has been implemented. For those flagged as pvming afk, only loot and pvm points will be affected, skill gains is not affected, so it will not affect training. I’m not going to explain how it works in details but if you have any problems and you think this system might be the cause, contact the staff.